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Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Deine Bestellung ist für den kostenlosen Versand qualifiziert. Noch € 200 für kostenlosen Versand!

Shampooing Traitant

€ 24,00
Das milde Pflegeshampoo spendet Feuchtigkeit und führt dem Haar wertvolle Wirkstoffe zu. Es wirkt adstringierend und vermindert die elektrostatische Aufladung der Haare.

Auf den feuchten Haaren und der Kopfhaut verteilen, gründlich einmassiert, kurz einwirken lassen und daraufhin mit Wasser gründlich auswaschen.


Extrakt aus weisser Brennessel & äterische Öle aus Lavendel, Geranie, Rosmarin, Salbei, Zitrone, Eukalyptus, weissem Thymian, Basilikum und Muskatnuss.

Kostenlose Rückgabe innerhalb von 30 Tagen

Kostenloser Versand bei Bestellungen ab € 200

Shampooing Traitant

€ 24,00

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Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.

Frequently asked question

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.


Fast shipping

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Order tracking

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Get in touch

Use this to answer some common questions you hear from your customers. You could discuss product details, size fit, shipping policies, or anything you think would help merchants make an informed decision about your products. This section will appear across all products.